Thursday, April 19, 2012

blogging for profit passive income opportunities

So you want a Passive income blog...

What you need when niche blogging are the right tools. The tools that will help you make a profit in your industry are the ones that will inform you in the best way about your competition and products you can sell. If you find a tool that automates tasks, scrapes content from sources like Amazon ang Google results, then eventually your efforts become passive more then active. Earning yourself some income in a sustainable way can only be achieve if you dedicate not 8 hours a day to your blog, but rather 4 hours a week in a routine way. This way your content is natural and exponential, and your developpe good habits. Then when you start getting visitors, and learn about your niche market, you start seeing opportunities you have never seen before, and some of those even fall into your lap through a comment on your blog, an email, a surprise backlink or re-post. etc.

Here are some real tools and free information to get you started, the information is out there FREE! So don't buy any e-books till you read these basic ways to understand how you can start creating rich content and free websites that make money:

- happy keyword scraping and earning money!

Friday, April 13, 2012

market samurai seo competition not working: keyword scout

If your market samurai seo competition was not working recently, time to try keyword scout.

What is keyword tool:scout?

As you have been looking all over the internet for opportunities to make some good passive income, and earn online through a blog or amazon, you have probably read about many tools that will help you.

One of them is something that helps you scraping. To scrape means, automatically copy and paste a lot of information or key words that you specify, from a web page of your choosing. example: Amazon.

What that does is that you research your market or product, build a free blogger or wordpress site, with content scraped about that product, from articles that are related to what you will propose to sell to your readers.

It makes it not only easier but faster for you. Now what if I told you that for years, the only good tool to find a related domain name, a good niche or market to attack, a great product that people don't really compete in, was the noble market samurai?

Now how about, that this tool not only used most of the google key word features in a very spammy but also laggy way, it bugged and was rarely updated?

Hence why now you have:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Size this: How to Create a Google Plus+ Cover photo

Did you know that the Cover photo for google+ plus size is 940 pixels wide and 180 pixels?

 It has beena google change that many people have not seen comming. Google+ is starting to be more and more like a facebook timeline page. They dont call theirs the COVER image they call it PHOTO.

Could it be that google plus doesn't want any court trouble with facebook timeline?

Have you also noticed that it is BIGGER? the cover image size is 851 by 315 pixels for facebook. For the Cover Photo size in google plus+ its 940 by atleast 180 pixles.

Well anyways. have fun.! (original post from How to make passive income blogging)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

key word spy on amazon

Ok so maybe this key word tool is not like the keyword spy. For those of you using these many techniques to scrape google and to also scrape amazon for ideas or even just content; you will quickly see a difference.

The scout vs the Spy is not a fair comparison. I suggest to try and bundle both of the tools for all your marketing efforts when building niche sites or blogs.

The spy vs the market samurai... even then we aint talking about apples and apples. It also depends how advanced one is in their site building and niche market content generating: Do you write your own rich content posts or pages? Do you just scrape amazon or google content and fill in the blanks?

I Suggest you always try to write 500 to 1000 words with very unique content, then re read your site and post, then plug in, from the key word tool scout's suggestions, words in between phrases.

So far im still on this review, not sure about maybe writing my comparison about the Spy tool vs the Scout tool, and Market Samurai... but will see.

- Keyword scraping articles. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Best Key Word tool of the year 2012: Scout or Spy or Samurai

Best Key Word tool: Scout or Spy or Samurai, of the year 2012.

tool by Josh Macdonald (macdonjo copyright)

Hi, there! We really fancy ourselves with the best title we could find :) In our opinion, based on the keyword scout reviews on facebook, and its community that is non affiliated with the maker: there once WAS only 1 tool to scrape amazon and google with.

That tool was the Noble Market Samurai. All we can say is:

Market Samurai is so 2005 passé

Then there was and we can easily say still is, The keyword SPŸ. It does a little bit of different things then the scout software. so for our niche sites in 2012, and also all our monetized blogs and content, we still use both.

But as for Market Samurai vs Key word SPY we say:

Keyword Spy is so 2010! lol

So where is the future of keyword scraping heading? How is the nich market site building revolutionized in 2012? What is the best key word tool online this year?

Well not to sound like a car sales person, not to guide you to a tool that you dont need and make you buy a software that you won't use, we suggest you check the community built review site on facebook.

Yes the Keyword Reviews by people like you and me are now online in an open community on Facebook. You can easily leave your comments and questions, rants and frustrations, doubts and scam reports, hear opinions from previous market samurai users that switched to the keyword scout and why.

What is there to think about? Read for yourself.

Scout and Spy you little Samurai :)

tool by josh macdonald.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

keyword scout vs market samurai

Keyword scout and Market samurai: the simplest review.

tool by : josh macdonald

So to make a review very simple, there is a bunch of check marks put into sentences that have to be done.

Can the Market Samurai automatically check the Warrior Forum Sales Thread? Unfortunately No. As opposed to the Keyworscout tool, it can. (MS-0 vs KS-1)

When Scraping, The Keyword tool can remove brand names very fast. The market samurai software cannot.(MS-0 vs KS-2)

Both tools help you out to scrape the Google Keyword Tool. (MS-1 vs KS-2)

Is the Market Samurai open for addons in the future? They do software updates, but not like the keyword scout.(MS-2 vs KS-3) yeah I gave MS a point also.

How about having a Built-in Proxy Scraper? Thats a NO for MS, Yes for KeywordScout. (MS-2 vs KS-4)

Another advantage of the keyword scout tool: it has less graphics and is made built also for speed, being light weight, and it increases stability. No points given here, just a remark.

So far I have noticed that the Market Samurai is a bit slower. Trying to be objective here, no points, just a remark.

One other obvious feature: amazon keyword scraper finding product keywords. A major research and content building helper, for the keyword scout software only. (MS-2 vs KS-5)

The KS can check for an exact .com/.net/org match. Can the Market Samurai do that?

Because i was a market samurai user for over 2 years, it was hard for me to keep counting the points in this battle, or comparison. Also because I just started using the keyword scout, and writing a review on it, I tried to be fair.

Can i say that hands down, the keyword scout is the best tool out there? Well I am still using it, so far so good. Will i let go of any other software because of that, not yet. But now that it has come down on the price, it is why i gave it a shot. the best thing you can do is use it yourself and tell me what you think.

-Happy Keyword scraping. :)
tool by: Josh MacDonald.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Make Money with Keyword Scout Affiliate program

Make Money with the Keyword Scout Affiliate Program

tool by: Josh Mcdonald (macdonjo, Macdonald).

If you were unsure, and sat on the fence until today and have asked yourself if you should purchase the Keyword Scout tool or not, than here is another reason to do so now:
  • Keyword Scout is now sharing its affiliate program to everybody! Not only the one who is an owner of the full version!
Why that? Because they believe in a) rewarding loyal customers and b) want honest, review-style promotion approaches that are delivered by real users of the software.
How to get into the Keyword Scout Affiliate Program:
  • Sign up for your free Keyword Scout Trial here (only a valid email address required, nothing else)(if available).
  • If you like what you see, buy Keyword Scout (Hint: The earlier in your trial period you buy it, the cheaper you get it.)(No longer applies as of march 27 2012, instead the price went down, again!)
  • You will receive your affiliate code in Clickbank
  • Start promoting a great piece of software and get paid a great commission on every sale you refer.
That was the short list, now a little bit about my personal review as a Keyword Scout Affiliate (before you ask, I was following its developpement since late 2011) and a bit about the attractive affiliate rewards.

How much money can you make being a Keyword Scout Affiliate?
Keyword scout is one of the highest paying programs in the market, you get a huge commission per sale. Depending on if someone bought it before or after the rebates, or applied a coupon, I still think the comissions are great. As Keyword Scout offers a full, no questions asked, 60 days money back warranty, you will get paid your commission after this time frame is over. At the start of each month, the nice people at Keyword Scout, count up all of the sales generated by you that are 60 days old or older (and exclude any refunds) (that is what i understood so far from that affiliate program), and pay you the resulting amount in commissions via check on the adress registered with clickbank. Any sales that are less than 60 days old (and therefor still inside the refund period) will be paid in the following month.

My personal experience as a Market Samurai Affiliate
No, I am not allowed to say how much I made exactly with this program (but I am making a good passive income, good money, plus I own now one of the best niche and SEO tools on the market). Here is a bit of my experience with them:

I bought Keyword Scout tool in march of 2012 after doing a long and thorough research on a niche, keyword and seo tools. I decided on the Keyword Scout tool, because it was simply the best, it was available in both Mac and Windows editions (i think, because i have a mac and it works) and was sold for one, low, price (197$ back then) that includes lifetime updates. I opted for that option instead of the monthly payements of around 40$ back then. Many other, similar, tools out there require a much higher monthly payment and are not available for Mac. Now, I am using a Windows PC at work as my desktop computer and also a Windows laptop, well you know what? For that price I was able to download, install and activate the many different versions of Keyword Scout tool for my computers. That is what I call great customer service, bang for the buck, deal.. Soon after having test driven the software, I started to tell all my other blogger firends about the reviews and feautres it had. I spread the word about it, yeah, I kinda admit that I was a Keyword scout fan girl from the very beginning – and still am one. After only 1 week, I verified if they actually had an affiliate program. :)

Until now, joining the Keyword Scout affiliate program was only possible if you were in the right "in" crowd, like forums or closed circle of friends. No need for an invitation like the other tools out there. Since march 2012 I have been actively promoting the Keyword Scout tool, both on this blog and elsewhere on the internet. And of course, the links here in this blog post help me and my newly wedded wife of 25 to try and recuperate the cost of a wedding, and getting ready for a baby, maybe soon. These are affiliate links. ;) My experience in these few months has been so far:
  • Keyword Scout practically sells itself due to the attractive offers (last time i heard they lowered the price again).
  • The support of the guys is amazing, both from a user as from a affiliate marketer perspective. You always get a real answer, they never let you down. Real people that actually care about their tool, and are passionate to help you build strong content.
  • And, last but not least, they pay on time!

Why is key word scout such a great affiliate program?
A lot of tools on the internet are sold with the help of affiliate programs. Meaning that the companies do little or even no direct ads, they just share the money they earn per sale with the person that referred the buyer to them. Keyword Scout is not only sold with a “60 days money back, no questions asked” warranty, but also with (possibly, unknown as of march 2012) free trial period of a few days. And that is the big selling point!

People are more inclined to download and test drive a program for free or at a rebated price, than paying for it full price and hoping to get their money back if they don’t like it. If you join the gagn of Keyword Scout Tool affiliates, the one most important tip I can give you from my experience is to promote the new 100$ rebate heavily. People need only to provide a valid email address, nothing else and can then try the software for free for a few days. Plus, even if they don’t buy the full version right away, the keyword research tool, stays available for life (to be verified as of the review in march 2012). They get to enjoy the seo, content, promotion and other feautures of the tool .
The next reason you should know is that Keyword Scout tool does the whole follow up for you. Means they send people additional emails with tips on how to use the software more effectively etc. (if you join the facebook community here. Its important to note that they don’t spam people into buying their product, they add so much value to it, with training material, videos, blog posts etc that being in their facebook community is beneficial for everybody, users and not users of the best keyword scout tool. If you have your own email list, membership site, feedburner or blog, they are happy to either help you promote the tool or to even bring a campaign to life just for you (if your list has a certain size).

If you are just a normal blogger like me, starting out affiliate marketer like me in an obscure or competitive niche market, the best thing you can do to be successful is to use banners, links, custom links, your blogs, and even posts on facebook to promote the new 100$ rebate.

Providing you with a real passive income possibility.

Conversion Rate
Keywordscout tool, has, and I have no reason to doubt it, atleast an average of 20-25% of the people that are refered by your link to their sales pitch page, end up buying the product. If you have been longer then a few days wondering about affiliate marketing than you know that is a superb ratio!

And none of the people I recommended Keyword scout tool, came ever back to me and regretted buying it.

If you use one of the following techniques, chances are 100% that you loose your affiliate account, so:
  • Do not use any black hat techniques, spam,  cookie-stuffing, lies, other dirty coding tricks, scams or similar.
  • Avoid the use of ads or promos that start with “Keyword Scout tool is a scam” because they will stop you.
If you stay honnest and sincere, you will be rewarded, try to deceive people and you will be quicker out of the affiliate program than you can : sorry.

tool by: Josh Macdonald (aka macdonjo)

Now go and start making money with keyword scout affiliate program or the tool itself here



Sunday, March 25, 2012

keywordscout scam 2012


 MACDONJO says that his tool is not a the fast money making type scam, nor an ebook that has it all, just a keyword scraper that is used by many of the passive income blog writers.

Amazon Keyword Scraper, Addons, Competition Analyzer, Auto Updating, and More!

tool by : Josh MACDONAL (mcdonald, josh)

Keywordscout mission is not complicated: To save you more time in your day. Keywordscout, scam or not, cannot make days longer, but he can shorten the duration of everyday tasks. This tool of his, will end up saving you money in the long run. Professional keyword research freelancers can charge you several hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of work. He has put all the important manual tasks that keyword researches do into 1 tool. Introducing Keyword Scout!


So i am going to review this keywordscout tool just like many of you will right now, since this is the first time i heard of it. Now i was trying to be nice and not let anyone down with critics of something i didnt use yet for long. From what the web site says it got me thinking: maybe there is a better way to automate things when blogging.

Keywordscout review of the MACDONJO tool.

I wasnt aware of the existence of this tool, i was made aware of it only by mid march 2012, it hasnt let me down so far. If you want a complete tool that does alot of the stuff you need to keep doing manually then this may be the tool for you. why not read the warranty and what the creator has to say about his software.


keywordscout review

Keywordscout Review


MACDONJO says its Not a "get rich quick", all-in-one crap ebook, just a software that is used by thousands of work from home Internet Marketers.

Amazon Keyword Scraper, Addons, Competition Analyzer, Auto Updating, and More!

Keywordscout mission is simple: To give you more time in your day. Keywordscout cannot make days longer, but he can shorten the duration of everyday tasks. This software will end up saving you money in the long run. Professional keyword research freelancers can charge you several hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of work. He has put all the important manual tasks that keyword researches do into 1 tool. Introducing Keyword Scout!


So i am going to review this keywordscout tool along side all of you since this is the first time i heard of it. Now i was trying to be nice and not let anyone down with critics of something i didnt use yet for long. From what the web site says it got me thinking: maybe there is a better way to automate things when blogging.

Keywordscout scam article 2012.

Since I have been made aware of this tool only at the begining of march 2012, it hasnt let me down so far. If you want a complete tool that does alot of the stuff you need to keep doing manually then this may be the tool for you. why not read the warranty and what the creator has to say about his software.


Scrape Keywords

Scrape Keywords with the keyword scout

Scrape keywords in a market of your choice or generate random product keywords with the click of a button. Removing brands is as simple as checking a box, and add brand names to your private database is as easy as click the "Brands" button and adding it to the list.

To narrow down the keywords you want, all you must do is fill out the text boxes. Keyword Scout also has presets to save you even more time. Just click the "Micro Niche" button to fill out all 6 text boxes with info. You can edit all of these presets in the settings, to fit your personal preferences. After setting the criteria, just choose what type of search counts you would like to use and click Scrape Keywords to add keywords to the table.

After clicking Scrape Keywords, you will be presented a table like this:

Friday, March 23, 2012


Keywordscout.pdf Documentation available online:

Keyword Scout Documentation
Quick-Start Guide
Hello and thank-you for purchasing Keyword Scout! The first thing we are
going to want to do is click New Project on the software.
Next, open the proxy window.
If you own private proxies, then you can click the Import List button, to
import your list of proxy. We use “ip:port” configuration right now. If you
have Squid Proxies, that is the default format. You just save them into a .txt
file and import them. If you don't have private proxies, that's fine. Private
proxies are used to speed up the software, which sometimes doesn't matter
to users. If your plan is just to put the tool aside while it's scraping, because
you've got other things to do, then you don't really need to use private
proxies. You can use the public proxy scraper that we have integrated.
Click Scrape Proxies, and get a few hundred, then stop. Remove all the
duplicates and test them, and then Remove Bad Proxies. Check the Enable
These Proxies checkbox.

Now open the Settings window of the keyword tool.

Enter in any Adwords account email and password, and click Test.
If the status turns to Valid, then you can Save and Close.
If it says Invalid and you're sure there is nothing wrong with the details you
entered, try another account. If you still cannot get your accounts to work,
then you need to contact support at:
If you have multiple niche ideas that you are not sure what to decide on,
simply, enter them in comma format into the text box as shown:
If you have no idea on what you want to base a new website off of, then click
the next radio button to enable Generate Keyword.

We scrape our ideas off We have a text list of brands and you
can add any specific word to it, to ensure that you don't get any keyword
ideas that contain a specific word. There are thousands of brands in the
world, and there is no way to get all of them, but we sure can save time by
getting rid of the most common ones.

Under step 2, I am simply going to click Micro Niche as I like the default
preset. You can change this preset in the Settings.
I will change my Match Type to Exact, and click Scrape Keywords.
At this time, I usually minimize the window for a few moments to continue
on what I was doing before I started keyword researching. If I had nothing
planned, I could be looking for a writer to write on the site I'm about to
build, or be opening to be ready to register the domain. If this
process is taking a long time, you should consider private proxies and a VPS
if you are not already.

Next, I click the Select All check box to select all keywords. I am now going to
click the Scrape Data tab and scrape the All In Title count. I am not going to
scrape all of the data, because that does take good time, and the only time I
would ever choose All Data is if I was about to leave the house, have lunch
or something.

(Its the best free keyword tool by Macdonald, Josh.)

After the All In Title count is done, I am going to click Filter Data. I want only
the keywords with under 25,000 All In Title. This ensure I get a good micro
niche keyword. The program has just removed a lot of keywords, and has
saved us from a lot of unnecessary scraping thus, saving bandwidth and
Now, I am going to go back to the Scrape Data tab, and check for .com, .net
and .org exact match domains. Once that is done scraping, I then head back
over to Filter Data and check the following check box:
Now I have a good list of keywords that I can use. I am now going to scrape
the Profit Potential. This is a small figure that gives me a quick overview of
how profitable a keyword is with Adsense. It's just a combination of the
monthly searches and CPC. For example, 1 keyword could have 1000
monthly searches with a CPC of $5, and another could have monthly
searches of 2500 and a CPC of $0.50. The first keyword is more profitable
because the CPC is 10 times the CPC of the second one, but at a quick glace
it may not be that easy to figure out hundreds of keywords. I now sort the
keywords from greatest Profit Potential to smallest.
I can right click on any keyword, and can search it on Google, to actually see
if I think it's low competition or not.
I now know that I can or can not handle the competition and can now
register decide if I want to register the exact match domain on the registrar
of my choice and begin building a site.
This is just a quick guide to get started, and I imagine it won't be long before
there are more ebook of this tool on the market.
If you have any troubles or ideas/suggestions, please email us at:
support AT

Dear Novice Researcher, Keyword research took me over 2 years to perfect,
but once you do, the rewards are huge. No, you won't become a billionaire
over night, but within a couple months a $xx,xxx per month revenue is fair
and achievable goal. Although within the first couple weeks of learning, I
started making money from Adsense. Hard works pays off. Nothing in life
worth having, comes easy.

Thank-you again! We do appreciate your business. - Josh Macdonald ( also known as MACDONJO, the best keyword tool)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Market Samurai or keyword scout tool review 2

So so far, I have been using the keyword scout tool for a few weeks, I all ready see how its fast and doesnt bug. I could really get a hang of it. Did it make me money? not alot yet, I did say not alot because, I use to make a good passive income in my niche sites and blogs before with the noble Market Samurai.

Now i aint here to tell you which keywords suggestion tool is the best, only my own experience and what i am currently using to monetize my sites.

Dont forget that he scout will help you scrape, find domain names, remove branding, and so much more.

Well thats all for now, I will keep in touch, lets all meet on the facebook review page ;)

best keyword tool by: Josh MACDONALD, macdonjo.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello Keyword scout people

So I am still applying the Keyword scout for my niche website, one is for a passive income blog and another is a titanium vs tungsten site with all the information you need.

So far I dont think that the keyword scout is a scam.

I will keep you updated!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keyword scout review in the making

Hi there, im about to use the keyword scout tool and soon will tell you what i think. I really need a type of amazon scraper of some sort because on my niche sites that im building, i found out that content is not always king.

If content is king, and my niche site is by far richer then my competition, this is why i know that i need a tool to help me... hence why i chose the keywordscout tool and will give it a try.

Stay tuned :)